Still looking for a Knoxville vendor?
We’ve assembled a list of wonderful vendors to assist you in your wedding planning!
As your wedding photographer and someone who is on your team, I want to make sure that you are given all of the information possible to make the best decisions for your day! I believe that you not only need professionals that are great at their job, but you need people who are nice, have your back, can do what it takes to get the job done. These are those people. If they are on this list, it’s because I love their work and also believe in who they are as a person. Your wedding vendors have the ability to make or break your wedding day, so why not make it perfect! As always, feel free to reach out if you have any questions! We will be updating this list periodically so feel free to check back for more! - Brittani
Make Up:
Dinner, Bakery, Favors:
Custom Invitation Suites and Calligraphy:
Are you a vendor interesting in joining our list? We would love to work with you! Send us a message at